Jul 7, 2014

ARC Review: The Half Life of Molly Pierce by Katrina Leno

The Half Life of Molly PierceAuthor: Katrina Leno
Publisher: HarperTeen
Number of Pages: 256
Goodreads l Amazon

"You take it for granted. Waking up. Going to school, talking to your friends. Watching a show on television or reading a book or going out to lunch.
You take for granted going to sleep at night, getting up the next day, and remembering everything that happened to you before you closed your eyes.
You live and you remember.
Me, I live and I forget.
But now—now I am remembering. 
For all of her seventeen years, Molly feels like she’s missed bits and pieces of her life. Now, she’s figuring out why. Now, she’s remembering her own secrets. And in doing so, Molly uncovers the separate life she seems to have led…and the love that she can’t let go."
A book that makes you feel like there is almost a second you instead of two of the main character.

I don't know how Katrina did it but she left me feeling like I was tripping by the time I finished this book. This book makes you feel things you didn't think was possible. I immediately fell in love with this once I finished the first page. This book keeps you at an emotional high throughout the whole entire book.

This book covers a very serious topic--mental illness, specifically a side that we don't hear a lot about. It covers a disorder where a person has multiple personalities. It's actually a fascinating topic and I really learned a lot more about it once I read this book. It really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

There are essentially two main characters in this book but only one body. You have two different minds you are reading about which really is something new that I've read and I really enjoyed it.

The writing style in this book is very intense. Katrina Leno is an author who has a very beautiful writing style and it really just sucks the reader in. If you are looking for someone who really knows how to write then I would definitely look towards this talented lady. 

I highly recommend that everyone pick this up, because it is something we can all learn something from and it is just a wonderful story about what some people go through on a daily basis. I know for a fact that I will be recommending this to my book club as a read. 

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!!

*A copy of this book was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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