Somehow Neil Patrick Harris was able to take his awesomeness and send it to the light, making the light a little bit brighter.(I <3 HIMYM& Barney Stinson)
Moving on, let's start with the book-tubers. This book-tuber is possibly my favorite. She is amazing, and he bookshelf is to die for. She is Heather, otherwise known as Bookables. This is her most recent video. It is a review on My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick.
My next favorite book-tuber is Raeleen or Padfootandprongs07. I freaking love this girl. She is so amazing. Her enthusiasm is just like mine. I swear I'm not even lying. I was introduced to her by one of my friends. My friend told me that I acted just like her so I checked her channel out. I love her taste in book, and oh my god, I am jealous of her friends. They are amazing people. I wish I had friends like her who hacked my blog and sent me books, but whatever. Not important, as long as my friends love me. Here is her review of Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins. I love this book!
Okay, so 2 of my non-book related subscriptions are music subscriptions. It's Taylor Swift and Billboard Goddess. Taylor Swift I never actually watch but am too lazy to unsubscribe to and Billboard Goddess just gives me a chance to see what music is on the charts.
Okay my first favorite non book-tuber is Joseph Birdsong. This guy is pretty funny. I would not recommend you watch this guy if you do not like swearing. This guy swears A LOT! Not even kidding. He also drinks in all his videos. So unless you are at least over 14 please do not watch his videos. Also, FYI he's obsessed with cardigans and he's gay and likes to make a lot of dad jokes so...I know I watch some weird people on Youtube. Anyway, here is the video that got me obsessed with this madness.
Oh, and I wanted to add this picture just because I love How I Met Your Mother.
thereadables and padfootandprongs07 are awesome!