It's a little over the half way point in the year, so naturally we should all be half way through our goodreads reading challenge. But we all know that there's two types of people in this world: those who are 2 books ahead of their reading challenge and those who are 20 books behind. Let's try to guess which person I am....
My goal this year was to read 75 books, and so far I am 8 books behind. Mostly this is because of school and exams, but I was in kind of a reading slump for the past month. I feel like I've come out of it recently, but I still find myself not reading a lot. I'm not completely upset about that because I still have 2 months of summer remaining, so I think that I'll be able to catch up.
Still, I know that there are many people who are really behind on their goals. Some people are over 20 books behind schedule, and I think that's when something needs to change. I'm not suggesting decreasing your goal but maybe it's time to change your reading habits. The best way to do that? Read-a-thons!!!
I find that if you really try to do a read-a-thon for a week (and not necessarily a scheduled read-a-thon) you get into the habit of reading a lot everyday. Once the read-a-thon is over you'll have read a lot of books pushing you closer to your goal and you will be more used to reading daily making your goal easier to meet.
I know a lot of read-a-thons are scheduled weeks that not all of us are able to do, so I suggest starting one on your own at whatever time. My sister and I plan to do just that sometime in July and maybe August.
Overall, try not to stress over your goal and do what you can. If you don't end up reaching your goal that's okay; it'll be a goal to reach next year. Just try to have fun and enjoy what you read!