Dec 31, 2014

Goals and Challenges for 2015

So....this year was kind of a fail for all the goals and challenges I set for myself last year, and it was for a lot of different reasons (mostly personal) but I've really missed blogging and even reading. I know I didn't even reach my Goodreads goal which I have always surpassed in the past.

This year I want it all to be different, I'm going to set more reasonable goals for myself because in 2014 I set goals that I would have accomplished in the past when I didn't have as many responsibilities and school work to focus.


Obviously this was going to be number one because I barely posted this year. I know there were months where I only posted about 5 times.... Even if I post just once a week its better, but it should be more with Harleen joining me. It might get bad during AP weeks and finals but we should be posting regularly otherwise.

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Whether that be by commenting back with you guys, commenting on other blogs, or just chatting with you guys on Twitter. I really just want to put myself out there and make new friends. Please feel free to initiate the conversation!!
Yes, that is a lot less that my usually 100 or even my 200 from 2013, but I'll be dealing with college apps, SATs and ACTs, among SO MUCH MORE in 2015 so I'm going to keep it reasonable and something I'm sure I can reach.


This series has been getting TONS of good reviews so I thought I would join the band wagon, because why not?

I do want to read at least 15 books off of my TBR pile because it keeps getting bigger and bigger...especially since I started working at a bookstore.. :/

What challenges and goals have you set for 2015?

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1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Outlander challenge! I think it is going to be a lot of fun. Good luck on all of your 2015 challenges. :D
